Food, Shelter and Sex toy – Basic necessities of Life

bdsm-harness-sex-harness-pipedreamA lonely paradise would soon become a nightmare if you do not have access to food, water and shelter, right? However, with more than 1 billion population, India hardly left with any lonely corner where you would come across such an incident. But, just like food, water and shelter; sex toys in India are gradually becoming a basic necessity of the people. Why? Reasons are discussed below

People like to stay secluded and single

People are becoming biological machines, and those who work for IT companies have very little time to spend with family or personal relationships due to huge work pressure. So, they find it easy to purchase sex toy in India online and meet their basic sex needs. This is quick, no commitments and no emotions.

No hassles and no scary diseases

Let’s get this straight. If you are having any sexual intimacy with others, other than your partner, (usually considered as wife in India) it is illegal. In addition, you have risks of being infected with deadly diseases like HIV positive, Hepatitis and other STDs. So, having a sex toy in your closet is the best way to satisfy your sexual desires.

Even shy folks can satisfy their sex cravings

Assume you are shy and single, but at the same time you want to explore sexual fantasies. What would you do? Approaching an escort agency is easy or buying a sex doll online? There are several legitimate companies that sell sex toys India in online stores. You just have to pick your pie and wait for the order to reach your door. It’s easy and completely confidential.

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